Monday, January 5, 2009

First Day on the Job

The day has begun.

The day began with the 3am feeding for me. But technically it didn't begin until Dan left for work. Breathe in. Breathe out.

Dan kissed me goodbye. I remember that much. And we prayed for each other. 

A little while later my precocious 5 year old came into the room with these morning greetings: "Mom-I-didn't-get-the-Little-Pony-set-I-wanted-the-one-that-my-friend-Emily-has-so-please-please-please-can-you-buy-it-for-me-today?" Diplomacy was necessary at that early hour. 

My folks leave for the airport in a couple of hours. We called a service to drive them b/c the day felt too big for me to drive them. Call me weak, but I'm trying to make this first day home the best it can possibly be. Read: I'm trying to remain rested and strong.

But the day is starting right so far: feeding a hungry infant, praying with my best friend, kissing same best friend and steering the thoughts of my 5 year old to better things.

God, give me strength.


trevsmom said...

You go girl, I will be praying for you too! :-)

Anonymous said...

Praying for you as well. Hope you continue to have a good day.

Shannon said...

Sounds like you're doing great so far. You had the strength to stand firm on the toy thing! Praying for you!

Jenni S. said...

I love your view on things Emily. I'm praying for your adjustment!