Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Letter to Body

Do you talk to your body? When I feel like being mean to my body, sometimes I talk to it. Not out loud... in my head. And this is essentially what I've been saying to it lately:

Dear Body,

Well, hello there! Long time no see! I mean, there's still plenty to see, but a lot less than 4 weeks ago. 

First, an extra special hello to toes. You guys look great, you really do. Sorry I didn't splurge for the pedicure before the whole birthing thing, but it was slushy and cold out and I didn't want you to have to endure more than you already had. Plus, ankles were swelling and complainy. You know how it was.

Stomach, you look great. Don't worry about the new vertical line that the belly buttons appears to have drooled down... it happened with Morgan's birth, too and it will probably go away. Even if it doesn't, you really look great considering. Oh, and the extra "love" that overflowed onto the back... that's totally normal. Just be glad it's winter and enjoy the extra warmth. Oh, and thanks for enduring all those shots. It was so worth it. You took one for the team.

Congrats to the tatas. Feeding a baby frequently can really get one down, but you girls are workhorses. Good job, ladies!

I do have a little extra encouragement for you, face. I know you're sad that you can't find your bone structure too well anymore. You will. It just takes time. And at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. Let's just be thankful that you can eat, okay? Eating is good. Keeping it down is even better. Yes?

Good job to all of you... organs, bones, muscles, emotions... I'm really proud of you all. Now be kind to yourselves... you need to regain your strength again. 

Signing out,



Sheryl said...

You crack me up Emily :)

Anonymous said...

You are so funny...and good for you for complimenting your body on a job well-done!!!!


Jenni S. said...

Way to keep things in perspective. You seem to have such a great sense of humor. :)