Thursday, January 15, 2009

Words that Bite Me Back.

This is what happens when you tell your 5-year old that she can't share a drink with you b/c of germs and sore throats:

Morgan: "Mom, how about we do something special and share that last cupcake before we have our breakfast?"

Emily: "Okay. You cut it in half."

Confession: It's going to be a long day... Dan is out of town and I'm exhausted. I'm totally caving and I don't care. Besides... cupcakes and donuts are the same thing. :)

Morgan: "Oh, you know what? I touched the donut and I don't want you to get my germs. I should eat the whole thing Mom, okay?"

Emily: (Smirking) "Good point, Morgan. I don't want your germs, either. You should eat the whole thing."

Yep. Gonna be a long day.

And this is what happens when you define words like "emergency"  as for your 5-year old and she uses it against you:

Morgan: "Mom, can I have one of your granola bars?" 

(I keep granola bars in the car for when my sugar level crashes or when I'm ravenously hungry due to breastfeeding. Keep in mind, Morgan has JUST had breakfast and we're on the way to preschool.)

Emily: "No, sweetie... Mommy needs those for, um, emergencies."

Morgan: "An emergency is when someone is bleeding, Mom." 

She looks at me skeptically. I'm too tired to argue with her. 

Emily: "No. You can't have one." 

That's right. I said "no". I didn't explain anymore. I just said a good, old-fashioned nada.

And one for good measure:

Morgan: "Is this movie suited to my level?"

Lands, she is Dan's child.


Sheryl said...

Wow. And she's how old? :)

Anonymous said...

She is one smart cupcake, er....cookie. ;)


Shannon said...

It's ok Madeline had a piece of fudge for breakfast.

Beth said...

That's okay, with the amount of syrup Jacob says he "needs" on his pancakes, he may as well, just eat the cupcake. He would get less sugar that way!

Jenni S. said...

Oh how I wish I could convey the concept of germs to the girls!!! Oh she makes me laugh!