Friday, January 16, 2009

She Speaks

Emily: "Morgan, it is VERY cold outside, so when we run out of the car into the mall, I want you to keep your mittens on."

Morgan: "Oh yes... or else my fingers will fall off."

Emily: "What?"

Morgan: "You told me that if I keep my fingers in the cold my fingers will fall off."

Oh yes... now I'm recalling the talk about frostbite.

Emily: "Um, right. So don't do it." 


Morgan got a happy meal at McDs yesterday. The toy giveaway is a little dog... different each week. This was Morgan's response:

"Mom! Mom! Look! This time the dog can actually stand up. The last one has one leg that's shorter than the others!"

Laughing... well, it was made in China. I'm glad she thinks it's Christmas all over again.


Shannon said...

LOL. We got that same white dog 3 times. I think each Mc D's is on a different toy schedule. We certainly haven't eaten there 3 times this week.

Jenni S. said...

It's amazing the things they choose to recall and the things they choose to "forget." Sigh. Ah, motherhood...