Saturday, January 10, 2009

They're not resolutions. Aw, heck. Maybe They Are.

1. Learn some new hairstyles. 

2. Learn to preserve jam.

3. Grow an honest-to-goodness producing garden.

4. Memorize the Ten Commandments. In order. Verbatim.

5. Give knitting a whirl.

6. Make family first:
1. My household family. 
2. My siblings/parents. 
3. My "family-ish" friends.

7. Make Dan more of a priority. 

8. Show hospitality in simple ways. (Dan wants to showcase his beer... Beer and Chili dinners?)

9. Use my decorating abilities to make the house feel more like "us" and less like the last owners.

10. Show my gratefulness for health this year by doing physically fun activities. Canoeing? Biking with the fam?

1 comment:

Jenni S. said...

Wow, a beer and chili dinner sounds awesome - would you consider delivery? So how are you doing with these so far... ;)