Monday, January 5, 2009

Ten Thoughts

1. It's really unfair of me to expect my husband to pick out the right --how shall I say it-- "feminine napkins" at the grocery store. Even though I give him the exact specs. It's just not fair of me. 

2. How is it that both my daughters need me at the same time just as they both DON'T need me at the same time? Hmmmm.

3. Is it Murphy's Law that the phone only rings when I put my head on a pillow? Or that the baby only cries when I try to nap?

4. When will my face become unswollen again? 

5. When will I be able to wear jeans again? Will I wear sweats the rest of my life? 

6. Can I install nanny cams in all my friends houses who have newborns? I want to see how they do it.

7. How did basic needs suddenly becomes luxuries once Eve arrived? Showers? Breakfast?

8. Why do I keep looking at photos of myself as a skinnier person? Wait, don't answer that.

9. People told me to enjoy my pregnancy, even the last trimester. They said I'd miss it. 

I don't. 

I love being "un-pregnant" and having Eve in my arms.

10. How come whenever I try to think of what I did in 2008, it all revolves around Eve?
Jan: Started paperwork for IVF
Feb: Drugs for IVF
March: Drugs for IVF
April: Transfer of embryos
May: Sick
June: Sick
July: Sick
August: Less sick
September: Grew baby
October: Grew baby
November: Grew baby
December: Had baby


Kathryn Clark said...

I wonder about the "wearing the sweats" thing too. Back to work now and wearing same clothes as I left in. Except it's not too fashionable to wear maternity shirts anymore so I'm having to get creative! Enjoy the time with your fam. Love, Kathryn

Jenni S. said...

18 months later and showers are still luxuries. LOL. #1 had me rolling. And you would NOT want a nanny-cam here - I'm not sure you could withstand all the whining.

One GREAT piece of advice that helped me get through this time was this (not that you want advice, but you're getting it): If both your newborn and your older child need you at the same time, as long as you know the newborn is safe and has what she needs for that moment, go to the older child. The newborn won't remember if you didn't answer every cry. The child will. It helped take a lot of stress off me to try to always get to Lily when either Anna or Ruthie really needed me.

Sittintall said...

Oh, it will get easier...hang in there. I remember going crazy with two demanding my attention at the same time too. But this will pass. I'm with you on the being pregnant thing though. Once that baby was in my arms, I didn't miss pregnancy a bit (nothing like that being uncomfortable in your alien body).

Unknown said...

Oh, come on -- there's like, a million different types of those things on the shelves! And I'm not the type of guy to spend more than twenty seconds looking for the right ones...any longer, and I start feeling like I'm under surveillance by all the women in the store. I look, I grab, I run. Any guys out there? Back me up!