Monday, October 29, 2007


Emily: "You're my favorite Morgan."

Morgan: "And you're my favorite disappointed Mommy."



Morgan: "How old are you, Mommy?"

Emily: "I'm 33." (I write "33" on a piece of paper.)

Morgan: "You're two 3's? I was one 3 but now I'm one 4."

I like that math. Two 3's is 6 years old. :)


Morgan was drawing a picture of a person. Lately she likes to draw a circle in the middle of the body for the heart.

As she was drawing today, she said to herself, "Oh no! I forgot the heartbeep!"


Sittintall said...

HA! I like the first one. She's a whippersnapper!

Short Stop said...

Wow...that first one...ouch. Can't tell you how many of these I get from Jack. Painful...