Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I like to exercise. More accurately, I like the feeling I get after I exercise.

I usually like to run, but
1. It's wicked cold outside (this week excepting)
2. I don't have a treadmill

Soooooo... I found this walking video for indoor use; another blogger recommended it. Leslie Samsone is the instructor and it was pretty cool.

The best part was that I could do these movements in my living room and Morgan could accompany me or not. Usually I try to exercise alone when she is watching Sesame Street. But as we did this video together, I realized a bonus benefit: Morgan was learning to take care of her body. Very cool.

There were a few setbacks to working out with a 4 year old. Allow me to indulge you:

"Mom, I want a pony tail, too. A big pony tail."

"Mom, now my pony tail is too tight. I want a pony tail on the top of my head instead."

"Mom, I want to take off my sweatshirt like you."
She kept modifying her outfit to look exactly like the women on the tv.

And she also gave me some pointers: "Mom, you need to put your hands on your hips. Like this."

I give the workout a "B+". It was a good use of time. I never thought my daughter and I could exercise side by side at this age. What a wonderful surprise.


Sittintall said...

Oh how fun. I have that video too (although haven't used it in years). Maybe I'll get it out too, and see how my girls do at exercising with their old mom. Good for you!

Sittintall said...

Thanks for your encouraging comments on my blog. After I wrote about education, I started to think maybe I shouldn't have written it, because of some of the comments of one way or the highway. I struggle with the decision a lot, because so many of the people around here send their kids to Christian School. And although, I think it's a wonderful choice, I sometimes really don't think we can swing it financially. Anyway, you are right in that teaching also comes from the home. Thanks again.

Short Stop said...

Em, that's great! I am hoping that I'll be able to get some exercise time in after I recover from this little one's birth. I don't want to be giggly forever.