Tuesday, January 15, 2008




Morgan would be great at a lot of things. Making traffic signs is not one of them. :)


Emily: "Morgan, do you remember the beach?"

Morgan: "Yep. But you gotta wear sunscream or else the sun will burn you."


Morgan to Dan: "Daddy, are you going to the Bruise Shop?"


Oh wait... Dan keeps talking about his brewing and going to the "Brew Shop". We better get that one corrected before DCFS calls.


Kris said...

You all have TOO much fun over there! I love to her writing, too! She's growing up so fast!

Short Stop said...

I LOVE those signs! What a sweetie. And, I agree with K...she's growing up so fast!

Oh, do we have beer stories. Tell Dan he must be VERY careful what he says about his brewing...you wouldn't believe some of the things Jack has pulled out! :)