Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Morgan: "Mom, do you know the hokey pokey?"

I'm taken aback. Didn't know she knew it.

She clarifies: "You know? You puts your foots out?"


Morgan: "Mom, your hand is really soft."

I'm rubbing her soft cheeks with my hand.

Morgan: "Mom, your cheeks are soft."

Now she is rubbing my cheeks.

Morgan: "But Daddy's cheeks are NOT soft. They are... (she pauses)... soddy. 'Soddy' means that they are not soft like you and me."

Morgan loves to make up words and sound official. Rarely will she ask me for the right word for what she is trying to say.


About a month ago, Morgan asked if she could feel my heart beating. (More accurately, she asked if she could feel my heart "beeping", but that's beside the point.)

I felt it would be, um, "odd" if I let her feel where my heart is. It's hard to feel it beating beneath the tatas, you know? Instead, I put her fingers on my neck so she could feel it beating there. "See? My heart is beating." Nice strong pulse.

I thought I was helping her by showing her that my heart, too, beats like hers. Instead she thinks her heart is in her chest and my heart is in my neck. I don't have the explanation for why I had her feel my neck instead of my chest in the first place. *sigh*

At least school will correct everything I teach her, right?

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