Thursday, January 10, 2008

How Old is Jesus

Morgan: "Mom, how old is Jesus?"

Emily: (gulp) "Um, well, Jesus doesn't have an age."

Morgan: "Is he 6?"

I recalled that we just told the story of the birth of Jesus over and over again in December. We emphasized that Jesus was a real historical figure.

Morgan kept asking.

Emily: " Well, Jesus doesn't have an age. He's forever."

Morgan: "Oh, he's older? Is he 24?"

Emily: "No, sweetie."

Morgan: "25?" (That's her idea of ancient. hehe.)

You're smart, Morgan.


Sittintall said...

It's so cool to see them start asking questions about God, but certainly hard to describe what they can't see (for all of us for that matter). Kyra has been asking a lot of questions lately too.

Kris said...

Josh has been asking those kinds of questions, too. Let me know if you find a good way to explain it all....hehe.