Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thank God

"Weeping may remain for a night, but joy comes in the morning." Psalm 30:5

Good news. My friend Kathryn called yesterday. After long periods of fertility trouble, and with the help of IVF, she is pregnant.


My dear friend who has never been able to say those wonderful words, "I'm pregnant", said them so quietly and peacefully that it was hard to catch.

Normally I scream and yell with joy when I hear those words, but this time was different.

I wasn't somber, but it was a little sobering to know that God, once again, had fooled the despair in our hearts and brought redemption. I congratulated her and marveled at how quietly joyful both our hearts were.


Kathryn and Jerry- May this little one (or ones!) grow to be big, juicy babies who love God, follow mercy and seek truth. Congratulations. Many congratulations.


trevsmom said...

How great for your friend! Another reminder of hope! :-)

Janice said...

Its amazing how the news of a woman being able to say those words, i'm pregnant, can bring tears to your eyes even when you don't know the woman.

Kathryn Clark said...

Thank you Emily for your wonderful words of congrats. I keep getting more and more excited each time I say those words, I'm Pregnant!!! We are overwhelmed with hope and joy for what is to come :).