Thursday, January 3, 2008

Whatever is Good

Philippians 4:8
New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

Okay, I lied. I do have a New Year's Resolution. I want to be a more positive person. I want to think about positive things. I want to talk about them and dwell on them. That's my goal. It's been one day.

This doesn't mean that I won't tell news that is negative. It does mean that I will see the humor or the truth in it. And I'll always be a bit of a design snob, but I'll try to curb that.

I really respect people who see the "brighter side of life". My experience has shown that these people are not deluding themselves to seeing life through the cliché rose-colored glasses. In fact, many of my optimist friends have been through a great deal in life and still refuse to let it bring them down. I'd love to be that way.

I had my first exercise in "positive thinking" yesterday. The credit card company called to see if I had been in Rhode Island recently. Apparently someone by the name of Fraud U. Lent racked up over $4,000 in charges at such venues as Abercrombie, Walmart and Wet Seal. My favorite stores. (By the way, I reserve the right to still be cynical.) I was a little shaken by the news, but glad that they took care of it.

When I called Dan on the phone to let him know that our cards had to be shredded, he took it in good stride. That's Dan's way. Side note: Dan could be battling King Kong, have indigestional trouble and be running a marathon and his response would be: "Could be worse". Anyway, he and I counted our blessings right there on the phone. We were thankful for health and a warm home during these cold winter days.

It'll take some work, friends. But you can persuade my negative side to be succumbed by your good or redeeming news.


Kris said...

Oh my goodness! That credit card thing sounds like a huge headache! Good for you for taking it in stride! I love your resolution, too! Although I think you might be a little hard on yourself! I think you've always shown a positive attitude! Your blog reflects this and that's why I love to read it!

Kris said...

Just rereading my comment. WAY too many exclamation points...hehe.

Sittintall said...

I too, have seen many positive remarks by you on your blog, and never thought of you as a pessimist. However, I naturally am a negative thinker (even if it doesn't reflect in my blog), and vowed that when I started my blog I would write about positive things in my life. It really helps me see how many wonderful things do really happen in my life (seeing as how I have a record of them now), so I don't get that wow is me feeling.

Short Stop said...

I think the most amazing thing is that God gives us the perfect mate to help us in the areas with which we struggle! You certainly have that in Dan.

I agree with Kris...your blog shows a very positive attitude when in the midst of what have been some very personal and difficult struggles. Keep clinging to Jesus, Em...His hope and promises are sure!