Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Fertility Tales

For over a year I have been praying regularly for 4 people in my life. Four couples, I should say. They are four friends who have been having fertility issues.

Some have had miscarriages.

Some have not been able to conceive at all.

Some have had other health problems.

But this year, I have received some beautiful news.

- One couple who had other health problems which prevented them from conceiving wrote to tell me that they're expecting in the spring. The wife wrote me an email that was almost apologetic b/c she knew our situation. "Are you kidding?" I wrote her. I was giddy with excitement.

- Another couple received news that they've been approved to be a case study in IVF. Their out-of-pocket expenses would be about $2,000 instead of $10-20K. Which they didn't have. But God provided. Wow.

- Most recently, another special couple emailed me to tell me that they are starting the process of adopting. I wasn't even thinking about that option for them. What a beautiful end to their fertility troubles. I had trouble sleeping that night, I was so overjoyed for them.

I don't know about the fourth couple. They are a couple that I hardly talk to, but felt compelled to add to my prayer list.

But in the end, whether by natural means, adoption or medical intervention, I'm hopeful for them to become parents.

"Weeping may remain for a night, but joy comes in the morning."
Psalm 30:5b

1 comment:

trevsmom said...

Oh, Emily what a testimony to your faith...that in the midst of everything you can be happy for others. Yay God! You are on my prayer list friend!