Thursday, February 8, 2007

Cuddle Time

To me, the most difficult obstacle to parenting is that I want to get things done (housework, cooking dinner) and my daughter wants to get OTHER things done (reading books, cuddling). Each day there is a pull to spend ALL day with her and ALL day doing the chores. Never the twain shall meet.

This morning at the beautiful hour of 6:30, Dan and I heard the pitter-patter of Morgan's feet. Make that the CLIP-CLOP of Morgan's feet- she had already donned her pink sparkle shoes for dress up and was rearing to go. She had with her a small play suitcase filled with books and toys. "Hi, Guys! I'm ready for the sleepover!" We got a chuckle from that. Sleepover-ha. The child never sleeps unless she is absolutely sure she is NOT missing anything.

Dan left shortly after for work and I was left alone with... the CHILD. I tell Dan that he is lucky that HIS boss doesn't come into his room each morning to wake him up. Morgan's first order of business is this: "Mommy! Time to cuddle!" So we spent the first 15 minutes talking and cuddling while she occasionally jabbed me with the heels of those dang sparkle shoes.

I'd like to take this moment to tangent off... Morgan is watching Sesame Street right now and in the background I hear this educational show pushing... BREAKFAST. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" some furry puppet is squeaking at my daughter. I laugh. Most mothers don't get breakfast. They get something that LOOKS like breakfast... a quick bite of soggy cereal they forgot about because of some maternal emergency. And when we eat, it's rarely in those things called "chairs"... it's running from one room to the other, answering phone calls and responding to barks for sippy cups.

Okay, now the MOTS: Moral of the Story. After all this morning mayhem, I'm not complaining. My daughter still can't find the bathroom when its time to have her BM and still drinks out of annoying sippy cups, but I'm not pushing it. Those are the last two manifestations of "baby" in my daughter. I'll do those dishes later. Let's cuddle, kiddo.

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