Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I'm pretty brain dead today. Why I am brain dead, you ask? Well, for starters I went to IKEA. The adrenaline surge alone from seeing that marigold and royal blue building requires me to take an afternoon nap. Which I didn't get.

Morgan has just entered the room. "I want more some of these," she says in her funny sentence structure way. She wants more Jelly Belly fruit snacks- a random snack I found in my cupboard. Probably a free sample I got somewhere. She's shifting her weight quickly from foot to foot because that's the only way stand still on a sugar high. (Laughing... it's funny... when she asks for these things, she calls them "fruit-flavored snacks". She's right... there is no fruit in them.)

Considering that being a parent is enough "flexibility" for one day, it doesn't give me joy to call AT&T and ask why my DSL is not working. Some thingamajig wasn't properly working. But now I know, for the future, how to fix it. I can check that off my education list.

Speaking of, I'm finding myself to be in educational classes I never asked for: How to deal with Insurance Company 101, How to Make Dinner While Child is Entering 4pm Witching Hour 101 and How to Get the Most from Naptime without Use of Drugs (a 400 level class). I've also learned how to effectively and nicely remove solicitors from my front steps and how to get exercise and simultaneously get Morgan to library time. There's nothing formal about this education. It's all reactionary.

Each day I wake up, put on my fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants pants and grip the day like a rocket ship. I multi-task like a maniac. Sometimes, I'm so tired that I can't remember my gender. Vague references to breast feeding or labor and delivery remind me of my role and I'm jolted into the day again. Ah, the caffeine of life.

There's no point to this post. It's a mind barf of a tired mother.

To all my friends still in college, enjoy your bubble world. And prepare for the unexpected. Nutrition class has no relevance to a fruit-flavored snack crazed child.

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