Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Valentine's Greetings

Is my memory failing or is Valentine's Day really a day commemorating something involving death or dying of some sort?

If so, it's fitting, I suppose, that my daughter and I nearly had a bloodbath of our own making her Daddy's Valentine card today. I thought it would precious if she made her own card for him. I brought out the red and pink construction paper and, stupidly, the scissors. I threw out ALL her child-safety scissors a year ago when I found her giving herself frequent haircuts. So I only had our kitchen scissors which are about double the size of kiddy scissors.

It wasn't pretty.

Between each cut of paper, Morgan had to pull the scissors out of the paper, use BOTH hands to "open up" the mouth of scissors again and cut the paper once more. She was immensely proud of herself, wielding these "no-nos" equally well between both hands; she's still ambidextrous, apparently.

I'm just glad that we both have our limbs still attached. She stopped every once in a while to tell me a random tale, which isn't so bad in itself, but Morgan tells stories with her hands--she flung the blades around with the momentum of a ninja. I thought Edward Scissorshands and I would be taking a little "field trip" to the ER.

In the end, her card turned out beautifully. Dan will probably hold back manly tears as he sees her precious Valentine.

I hope he likes it. Next year, he's getting a Hallmark.

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