Monday, February 26, 2007

Lady in Red

I should consider myself fortunate that today was the first day in Morgan's little life that she colored on a wall. Statistically it should have been earlier.

I didn't even notice it. She had to point it out to me. "Look, Mommy! I did this," pointing to a little red circle on the wall. And then she added, "I did THIS, too." She colored with her red crayon on the carpet as well as the stairwell wall.

I asked her why she did it and she said, "Because I wanted to make Mommy sad." I told her how disappointed I was. She said she was sorry. I should rephrase. With her MOUTH she said "I'm sorry" but with her face she said, "I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

After a time out, she and I had a little talk. It was peppered with random animal stories from her but I steered her back on track and got her to realize it was wrong to color on anything but paper. Our crayon mantra is "ONLY ON PAPER! ONLY ON PAPER!"

*sigh* It's going to be a real hoot putting this house on the market with Little Monet here.

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