Friday, May 25, 2007


I'm allergic to unpacking. No wait, I'm not making this up. It's true. I know it sounds like a lame excuse for my husband to do all the grunt work, but hear me out:

Ever since we have introduced cardboard into our house a month ago, I have been having breathing trouble. It started out subtlely- I needed to catch my breath now and again- but then it became much more difficult as of this week. I thought it was stress, but by Wednesday I had so much labored breathing (even without exerting myself) that I had to call the doc. I had had enough of this asthma-esque fun. She couldn't narrow down the trigger, but we think the combination of moving, stirring up dust, getting new carpet installed and hanging around a lot of cardboard has caused this reaction. She gave me two inhalers and they are doing a great job of helping me get my breath again.

So, you see? I AM allergic to unpacking. Sorry, can't help you Dan.

Jeeves, get me my shoes. I'm allergic to work now as well.

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