Saturday, May 5, 2007

When Life Gives You Lemonade, Try to Sell It

Morgan joined her friends Celeste and Sophia this weekend in trying to sell pink lemonade at our yard sale. Boy was it a hoot.

Morgan was pretty good at getting business. She went around to "customers" (her phrase) and asked loudly, "Who wants to be my first customer?" She asked this of everyone, which made everyone feel special, but she certainly does not know the meaning of the word "first". Anyway, the "customers" would reach inside their pockets, find the dime they swore they couldn't give me ("I only have 25 cents. Will you take 25 cents?") and order a lemonade.

I think my favorite lemonade transaction was when a little old lady asked Morgan for a cup of lemonade and Morgan benevolently offered this woman her half drunk glass. The scary part was that this lady was about to accept it. I intervened in time before these two were nearly joined in holy matrimony because they shared a cold drink. Whew! That was a close one.

There were also cookies at the lemonade stand. When a "customer" would request one of the two selections (chocolate crinkle or chocolate chip), Morgan would often touch the cookie they wanted with her nubby, dirty fingers and ask, "This one?" After another sanitary lesson from Mom, Morgan still didn't really catch on. She just liked the importance of her job.

After a full day of life learnings and friendly play, Morgan squeezed in an evening nap. She awoke groggily and wept bitterly, "Where are the customers? Where did they go?"

Morgan, you'll make some boss very, very happy one day.

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