Friday, May 18, 2007

New House

Living in a new house in a new city is interesting. It's like the first day of school again. There's the awkward "Hi, my name is Emily" introductions to neighbors over the fence. And the even more awkward introduction of Morgan to her new neighbors when she runs behind my legs and pouts. "She's really quite chatty," I assure them, recalling how she wouldn't stop talking about princesses for 2 hours that morning.

There's a lot of new things to learn. For one, we now have a homeowner's association. Everyone now: groan. This artist in me naturally bucks against any organized system of design. Even my three year old noted: "Mommy, everyone has the same mailbox as us. They do. And they do. And they do..." I think I may paint my front porch furniture a zany blue to remind me that though I succumbed to buying a subdivision home I am still unique. They'll probably call me the "crazy blue lady" but that's not so bad.

One good check about the homeowner's association is that we won't have any neighbor trying to, oh I don't know, grow wildflowers in their front yard for the sake of being earth friendly. These HOA folks also frown upon tireless cars hiked on bricks in yards as well. Though I will miss (and I genuinely mean this) our diverse neighbors on Webster. One couple used old toilets as planters in their yard. They did it in a kitschy way which put a smile on my face. Don't think that would fly here.

In other news, Dan decided we should try the Dish for satellite TV. For one, it's cheaper then cable. And secondly, it's cheaper than cable. Two very good reasons to try something new. l confess to calling Dan frantically yesterday b/c I couldn't find Oprah. And for those of you who guffawed at that comment, I watch her about once a month if I'm lucky. Besides, I mostly get my fix on Sesame Street.

Speaking of which, I have completed this second half of my blog with Morgan on my lap. And she is currently begging me to watch Sesame Street by threatening me to "push buttons". *sigh* She knows how to push my buttons alright.

1 comment:

Short Stop said...

You've inspired me! I set my blog up a long time ago, but never really got it started! So, here's to staying in touch through pictures and words! I miss you, friend!