Monday, April 7, 2008

El Cheapo Home Makeovers

I love the Container Store. This marvelous store has a way of making my home irritations become joyous organization zones with a relatively small amount of cash. It's the organization Mecca.

1. Kitchen Cabinet with Tins
This cabinet has two doors which never quite close because of the mass of cooking pans and tins lurking inside. Whenever I have to open this cabinet, I sigh, mount up the courage to open it, end up pummeled with cooking paraphernalia and quickly close it. If I'm lucky, the doors will close on the first try.
Solution: For $5 each, Container Store has these marvelous little vertical racks. I can see all my tins and pans and I may actually enjoy opening the doors from now on.

2. Master Bath Mini Makeover
I'd love to redo my master bath cabinets, but for now, I gotta live with them. I'm constantly trying to find space on top of my sink for my products. Inevitably they fall into the sink when the cord of my hair dryer hits them in the morning. It's a regular morning irritation I can do without.
Solution: Voila! I bought this vertical wire rack intended for in/out bins in offices. It hides nicely between my sink and tub and is within easy reach of my hands. Best of all, it's out of reach of my dryer cord.

3. Morgan's Bath Mini Makeover
Morgan's bath is blue. There's nothing really wrong with it, but I wanted to add some spunky, simple design to make it a funner place to be. Yes, funner is a word.
Solution: Thanks to the HomeGoods store, I am now the proud owner of these darling polka dot towels. Our previous towels were fine, but we had a variety of colors ranging from navy blue to light yellow; wash day was a little complicated with so many loads. Now we have one set of color and they act as a little dash of fun as well. I LOVE polka dots.


Short Stop said...

I love each of these ideas! SO cool. Ohhh, the hair dryer. It is ALWAYS knocking over bottles on my sink. UGH. Love your solution! :)

Renee said...

What a fun post!! Your 'el cheapo makeover' ideas are great! I'm loving the bath towels, too. They're fun. :)

I wanted to tell you that I am praying for you as you are in the process of trying to get pregnant. Your prayers meant a lot to me in the last few weeks, and I will be thinking of you and praying for you as well.

I hope you don't mind if I ask you a personal question. You commented on my blog that it was no wonder I have been tired. Actually, I feel like I've been run over by a truck. All day today I just feel like I'm struggling with a major case of depression...just kind of sitting and staring into space, willing myself to get up and move. Is this normal? I know my doctor said that it would be a bumpy ride emotionally...maybe this is what he meant?

Thanks again for being such a support to me during this time. I appreciate you!

A girl who loves said...

The nesting instinct is hitting you! I'll bet you feel better to have some control over your environment, as it is hard to not to be in control in other areas. These are so great. I too have purchased the exact white dividers for my kitchen cabinet.

Janice said...

The Container Store... sigh. I miss it almost as much as WholeFoods. Someday, dreams will come true and both will be in Charlotte too.
ps. i have a huge double sink area and yet the dryer and curling iron cord still manage to knock something over. what is it about those cords?