Friday, April 11, 2008

More More Morgan

Morgan: "Mom, look! There's a man with a dog!"

Emily: "What do you think the dog's name is?"

Morgan: "I don't know. Maybe Furry. Or Golando."



Morgan is learning how to use the words "always" and "never" lately. She always uses them wrongly and I will never let her hear the end of it. :)

Emily: "Morgan, eat your apples before your dessert."

Morgan: "I will never eat my apples."

Eventually she eats her apples. And her words. 

I try not to laugh. We hear something like this almost every day:
"I will never go to my room."
"I will never put my jammies on."
"I will always do what  I want."

*sigh* It's hard to keep from laughing while correcting her little 'tude. Man, I love this kid.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I get scolded by Sara all the time for laughing at Alex when he does something he shouldn't yet is funny.