Thursday, April 10, 2008

Morgan Stories

Story, Morgan Style:

"Once there was a little turtle named Ronald. He heard the beautiful voice of a girl and he thought, 'I think I should marry that girl.'

Then the girl decided to marry him, but she had to feed her dog first. So she fed her dog. Then they got married and the boy lived with her. (The turtle turned into a boy apparently.)

And she showed him his new room. It was blue and green because he loved blue and green. And then she invited him to come down for dinner. The End."


Morgan loves Sesame Street. Anyone vaguely familiar with the show will recall that every show ends with: "Today's show was brought to you by the letter L and the number 4." They alternate the letters and numbers for every show.

Today Morgan chose the letters "U" and "S" to be our "letters of the day". I'm supposed to carry around this little magnetic block with the "S" and she is currently napping with the letter "U" firmly in her clasp.

Before she went to bed, we had to have our blocks "kiss". (We like affection around our house. )

I said, "Goodnight, 'U'. I love 'U'."

I laughed at the obvious double meaning.

She responded, "I love you, 'S'."

When we put our letters together, they spelled "US". I love "US" too, Morgan. Crazy kid.


Sittintall said...

I love those little stories. Kyra comes up with some doozies too. It just brings a smile to my face.

Kris said...

Love Morgan stories. So glad that you share them with us!

Sheryl said...

Very cute!
Coincidence to have "U" and "S" or she just chose them randomly? Interesting, but neat how that worked out!

Anonymous said...

one time... there was a man.... with a cane...

i'm glad to pass my story torch to morgan! :)