Monday, April 7, 2008

Heart of a Momma

Tonight, before bed, Morgan had a bit of a tantrum. It was sad because we had had such a lovely day. I know she was probably tired.

During her 4 minute time out on her bed, she decided to take her water bottle and spray it all over her carpet. 

Ugh. Breathe, Emily, breathe.

I tried to think quickly on my feet: "Oh, how sad, Morgan. You sprayed your water bottle all over your carpet. We were going to have stories tonight, but now we can't because we have to clean up this mess. We won't have time for stories." 

She cleaned up her mess. I tucked her in bed and explained why we'd be having no stories tonight. She started to cry. I almost did, too. I honestly wanted to read her stories and snuggle with her. She wept and I held her, feeling just as badly that she baptized her floor as she did. 

I think this is how God feels when we disobey. 

Before I shut the door, Morgan offered, "Maybe tomorrow night I won't squirt water on the floor and we can read stories."

That would be great, Morgan. That would be great.

Morgan: "Mom, when is Jesus coming back?"

Morgan just learned about the Ascension of Christ (after Easter) and His return. 

Emily: "Well, no one knows."

Morgan: "On a Tuesday?"

Emily: "No one knows, honey. The Bible doesn't say."

Morgan: "Maybe on a Thursday? We'll ask Daddy when he comes home."

Emily: "Okay, but Daddy won't know either. What would you do if you saw Jesus?"

Morgan: "I would give him a present that would help people fix things. And I'd show him my stuffed animals."

I grinned. This is the reason Jesus liked to hang out with the little kids.

Emily: "That's very nice. I'm sure he'd like that."


andrea said...

Thanks for the reminder of God's grace.

A girl who loves said...

You did the right thing. Poor little girl. She is struggling with emotions too. Give her a big kiss from me.

Sittintall said...

Don't you just love the persistance? There just has to be an answer.

Anonymous said...

you are such a great mom, em. i can only hope to follow in your footsteps some day if i ever have kids - that is if i ever feel less selfish than i do now.

i love you so much and - even though i'm not praying right now - i said a prayer for you. that's really, really huge for me right now.

but you're really, really important to me. i love you, seester. you will always be my sabrina sister and the woman who inspired me to reach farther and dream more than i could have ever imagined. you inspired me to start a quote book and i still have the original one i started (thanks to you) in middle school. i have quotes from you in there (e.g. "I long to pick up a pan and know that it is my own.") I have such find memories of your little basement apartment in Bethesda and taking pictures together and going for car rides. I loved your cozy little place, and every time I light a candle I remember your words, "A candle is a comforting presence in a lonely world."

You are my comforting presence in this lonely world, seester. You have helped mold me into the woman I am today. I love you so much and I wish you lived next door so we could try to bake caramel cake together then give up and just go buy some and eat it in a hammock.

I love you.

Kris said...

You are so right about why the Lord loved to hang with kids. I think they are our constant reminder of what He wants for us in our lives. Thanks for the post. I love to hear about your conversations with Morgan.