Monday, April 21, 2008

Weekend Musings

It's 9am Monday morning. I don't know where the weekend went and I need another weekend just to equip me for this week. It feels enormous and I don't know why.

Before I proceed, let me say that I'm not complaining. A full life, a full weekend is a blessing.

And a full weekend is manifested by the little acts of living around my house:
- picking up the same towel off the guest bathroom sink that Morgan can't manage to put back on the rack
- putting Dan's DVDs in their cases
- picking up my clothes off the floor
- picking up random small boxes filled with marbles, coins and random other toys that Morgan filled and left around the house.

There's the more positive messes, too:
- the paint supplies in the corner left from the green accent wall Dan painted for me (thanks, babe!)
- the drill and other hardware supplies from the new towel rack we FINALLY got to hang in our bathroom.

We've been busy.

Meanwhile, in the busyness of life, I neglected to see that my daughter was growing and the weather was changing. She had one short sleeved shirt and some shorts from last year that barely fit over her growing frame. I suppress the guilt I feel for not being more organized and smile that the weather is so agreeable and that my daughter is healthy and growing. I laugh at the random ensemble she threw on this morning: a too-small long sleeve shirt, permanently stained, and some shorts that actually fit.

This is the life of a mother that I sometimes appreciate, sometimes despise. The mundanity of picking up that same towel every day in the bathroom is enough to drive me to insanity. But when my family has been gone in the past and that silly towel remained on the towel rack, I wasn't as happy as I thought. Lesson learned.

For all my life learnings, there is still this imp in my mind that tells me that if I just... if I just work a little harder, organize a little more, then I can breathe and smile and effortlessly host.

But last night, I'm proud to say, the little imp was proved wrong.

My friends the Tukkers called to say that they were biking past our house. Want to go to the park? We did. It was a beautiful evening. Then we decided to come back to our house where we threw a frozen pizza in the oven and cobbled together a feast for friends. It was relaxing and a great way to spend the end of a weekend.

This morning I woke up to a slightly messy house and I smiled. It's nice to do some living.

This week still proves to be large. I'll teeter on the brink of organization and flexibility throughout it. But I'll do my best to lay aside the unimportant in favor of getting dirty. In the name of living.


Short Stop said...

A messy house made by friends coming over is my favorite kind of messy house!

Live on, my friend! Live on!!

Beth said...

I live in the state of organized messiness. I'm slowly growing to love it! Thanks for last night! We had a blast and Jacob slept in until almsot 8:00!