Friday, April 4, 2008

Ten Thoughts

1. Why is it that children only want to play with toys that are put away, fixed, not theirs or new? Why don't they want to play with the messy ones all over their floor?

2. I wonder if we'll be in this house for the rest of our life... or just for a few years.

3. Are rabbits grossed out by raisins since it looks like their poo?

4. How in the name of matrimony did I end up with a husband who is so kind? I'm a pistol and he's such a gentle giant.

5. Was Dan really secretly glad when I shrunk his suit? He never seemed to like those suit pants anyway.

6. Do all kids wish they had a pony when they were four?

7. How did I end up with such awesome siblings? They are so encouraging and uplifting. Also, am I adopted? None of them look like me.

8. If I had unlimited funds, I would hire 4 surrogates and have babies 4 months in a row. Then I'd hire 4 nannies to watch them during the night while I got my beauty sleep.

9. If Jesus came over for dinner, I would definitely serve him my meatloaf.

10. If I could have one super power, I would be "Healer Girl" and take away everyone's hurts, burnt dinners and age spots.

I tag Beth, Sarah W., Andrea, Cari, Sheryl and Kris to give me your ten thoughts. Anyone can join! Let me know your link so I can view your ten thoughts!


Short Stop said...

LOL at #3. And eeeeeeew!

Jesus would love your meatloaf. Jesus would love any meal at your house.

Can I come to your house?

Sheryl said...

Ok! Check out my list:)
Yours is great!

Janice said...

#6 Nope. I just wanted a swimming pool. And my list is up. Great idea for a post!!

Beth said...

Okay, here is my list. I enjoyed really thinking!

Renee said...

This was cute...I had fun reading your thoughts. I love these random, meandering glances into others minds.

Thanks for the smiles this morning!

A girl who loves said...

Mine is up too.