Thursday, April 3, 2008

Letting God be God

This is a bit of a hard post for me to write. But I feel compelled to do it anyway.

I've observed something about myself during trials: My sin becomes even more evident.

This is odd to me. One should get a "get out of jail free" card during this period.
In the more rhythmic times of life, I can generally coast with a heartfelt, theological "grace is mine" sort of tamber.

But during the really difficult times of life, I see my true colors.

First, a caveat: Christians love to slam-fest themselves. It seems "righteous" I think. Just look at Paul in the Bible, calling himself "chief of sinners". Sorry, Paul, but that is wrong theology. Ain't no hierarchy of sinners in the Bible. (Paul strikes me as a bit of a drama king, but that's another topic altogether.)

My point is, I'm already pretty grounded right now. My nose is to the grindstone of basic theological principles: God is good, I'm a sinner sort of principles. And yet in the midst of this hole, I'm aware of very awful things about myself: I'm a pretty judgmental person. I feel entitled to a lot. Sometimes when I show grace, it's because it's the nice thing to do, not because I'm aware of the infinite hourly grace that causes me to be in God's gaze.

One of the most difficult things for me to let go of is control of others. Seriously. I'm one controlling person. I want to be in the midst of the yuck and yum of everyone's adventure. I want to be with them, pray for them and, in true maternal fashion, guide them. I'm an expert, you know. *wink*

So it's kind of hard for me to accept the lavish gifts that friends have brought to me. E-prayers. Gift baskets laden with magnificent muffins and cards. Towers of salty and sweet snacks. Creative gifts. Loving words. Post-it notes with fun sayings on them. Kindness. And lots of grace for when I fly off the handle and say mean things because my heart feels too raw to filter them. I am receiving gifts from people for whom I have thought mean or demeaning or judgmental things before. There is some real dirt there.

I don't like to be on the receiving end of grace. But there it is- Covering my judgmentalness and forcing the Pollyanna out of my skin. It appears that I'm in great need of it.

Today, I had a revelation when thinking about Job: I just now realized what Job's problem was: He needed to let God be God. Job lived righteously before God and had a close walk with God. But in the end, God wanted Job to know, "Sure, we're close. We're family. We're even friends. But I'm God and you have to let me be God. I make the final decisions."

God's message to me is similar: "Emily, I'm God. I'm your Father. I'm your friend. But in the end, I'm God. I'm the Creator and not the created. I call the shots and though you think you should have a say in it, it's really my decision. Try to let go of your fears and definitely ditch that entitlement attitude. I got it covered. Oh- and one more thing- I love you."


Sheryl said...

This post couldn't have come at a better time for me. Once again I am struggling personally in the dating department, even though I thought things were going in the right direction this time.
I know that in the end it is God's decision, but sin has taken over and I just want answers now, I want this to work and I have even gotten mad at God. But I know that I don't always let God be God and leave him in control.
Thanks for this reminder, Emily! You are truly a testament for me!!

Sittintall said...

Amen!! Thank you for being so honest. It's hard to face our inner dark thoughts that are not necessarily verbally shared. And it is hard to accept gifts too. But all those friends love you deeply no matter what judgement, thoughts, or darts were thrown. They know you for the caring, clever, faithful person that you are (and that's as real as the sins too). I pray that you have a glorious weekend. Enjoy the muffins!

PS My blog was a Shauna moment. I looked outside right after I read the last chapter of her book!

Renee said...

Hi Emily,
I tried responding to the commments you posted on my blog last week, but wasn't able to. So I'll write you a quick note here...

I just wanted to say thank you. Genuinely, thank you. Your words came at the perfect time, and were/are much appreciated. Even my husband was blessed by them, as I didn't close my e-mail window one night after reading your sweet comments.

When I read your words, I was touched by your heart. And then I came over to your blog and have been reading it a little bit, and I have been humbled by the trials that you have gone through, and your strength and great spirit still.

Letting God be God pretty much sums it up, doesn't it? That's been the biggest message on my heart recently.

Sorry for the book. I will be back to 'chat' more, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your stopping by my blog and sharing your heart with me. Thanks!

Beth said...

What a brutally honest post. I am always amazed at how you are able just to "put it all out there." You are growing closer to God every time you confess these thoughts. I also have the controlling syndrome--it's a very difficult one to let go of.
Thanks for making me really think as well.

Kris said...

Another thoughtful and honest post, Em. Love to read these because it call me to task, too. Knowing He loves us is what makes some days easier to bear, eh? Amen to that.