Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Briefing

If you're of the male gender, you may not like this post. You're warned.

Tomorrow I turn 34. There I admitted it. I feel like 24, but I'm a fair bit older than that. 

I celebrated the aging process by buying something I needed direly: granny panties. 
I'm not joking. 
I'm pregnant, large and in charge. 
But now I'm comfortable in my unmentionables. There. You've been briefed. *

It's okay with me that I don this older apparel for now, but hit me if I start using words like "sensible" or "tasty". 

Dan has already warned me that I'm going to apologize to him tomorrow. If you were a fly on the wall of our kitchen tonight, you would hear us joking about his birthday history with me. We've been married 8 years now, so I have no qualms asking specifically for, say, a birthday cake. 
On my birthday. Not after. 
With "Happy Birthday" written on it. Instead of "OOPS".
We joked how each year I add another qualification for my card or cake because of his "creativity". I will gladly eat those words, Dan. And my pastry. 

I suppose that I should go through some sort of grieving process about being mid-30s, but I really don't feel anything. The fertility clinic did a stellar job of telling me how several of my organs are that of a 40 year old woman so I figure I'm ahead there. And being pregnant while hearing another year clunk by doesn't have the same effect as if I were not pregnant. These wacky preggers hormones tell me to think weird things like:

"I'm trying to be more 'green'. How can I help rocks?"

" Joli.e? She's not THAT pretty."


"Did (Obama.s) mother see a chicken before she named him?" 

You get my drift. 

So in my book, since I'm not really myself, I'm not really aging. I get a rebate for having pregnancy brain. And granny panties.

* Couldn't. Resist. The pun.


Short Stop said...

OMG, Ems.

Things in this post that made me LOL:

granny panties.
You've been briefed.*
Bar.ack Ob.ama's mama.

Oh my word. I can't wait to see you.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to another August baby! I celebrated on the 4th. Don't worry about grieving about being in your mid-30's. You'll have plenty of time to do that when you add another 10+ years to that number! Let's just say you are young compared to me! :-)

trevsmom said...

Thanks for the laughs this morning and have a happy 34th birthday!

Lauren said...

Wow, what kind of pre-natals are you not taking? There's something fishy about that pharmacy you're going to with these psychadelic pregnancy visions.

Jenni S. said...

LOL. I have no words. LOL.