Wednesday, August 6, 2008

More Body Talk

Morgan saw a photo this morning of me in the hospital just as I had delivered baby Morgan, who was laying on my chest. In the photo, I am crying and Dan is smiling.

Morgan: "Mom, why are you crying?"

Me: "I'm crying for joy. I was so happy to see you."

Morgan: "And why was I crying?"

Me: "You were hungry."

Morgan: "So did you bring me some squash to eat?"
(She recalls the time I told her that she liked squash as an infant.)

Me: "Um, no."

Morgan: "Did the doctor bring squash?"

Me: "No..." 

And then, reluctantly, I told her how babies are fed. I'm pretty squeamish about body talk for some reason.

Here was Morgan's response to breast.milk: "That is so weird. So very, very weird."

Note to Dan: You give her the se.x talk.


Jenni S. said...

LOL! Did I mention that I was in a public restroom at Holland State Park with Anna when she asked me about my...ummm...womanly cycle? Fun times. I don't think Dave will let me pawn the s.ex talk off on him though.

Short Stop said...

I think girls are naturally more inquisitive about babies, etc. When I was nursing Lincoln after we came home from the hospital, Jack asked what Lincoln was doing. When I told him he was drinking his "Mommy milk", that was it. No questions at all. He accepted it and tells people very matter of factly, "Lincoln is drinking his Mommy milk."