Monday, August 11, 2008


Is it okay if I share something I bought today?

I ordered a recliner.

I want to share because this purchase took a step of faith for me.

In order to purchase this, I had to acknowledge that God is growing something very wonderful in me. Something wonderful that is wreaking havoc on my sciatic. Something wonderful that will need a place to snuggle with its parents.

I really like it. It's soft in a pale green chenille. It's perfect for snuggling. In 19 weeks.


Jenni S. said...

Yay for places to cuddle! I know it's a difficult step of faith, Emily - I know the mixed feelings one can have to be excited about life, and wonder if God will sustain it all in the same breath. Good for you. Sometimes a recliner is just a recliner. Sometimes, though, it's a tangible reminder of hope.

Short Stop said...

I am SO glad you bought it. It's perfect!

YES, God is growing someone - someone to snuggle with, hold, feed, love, mother, and bless.

And, he/she gets to snuggle up in that recliner......with you. What a blessed little boy or girl.

Sittintall said...

Ohh, that's too funny. I sat in this same exact chair when we were searching for our family room furniture. In fact, I got the same one only, not the recliner kind ( green!)