Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Motherhood Moment

Morgan and I saw an ambulance drive by while we were on the road.

Emily: "Dear Jesus, please be with the people who are hurt."

Morgan: "Mom, can we follow the ambulance so I can see the hurt people in the hospital?"

(First thought: That's disturbing. Second thought: Ask her why.)

Emily: "Why is that, Morgan?"

Morgan: "So I can pray for them. I want to see them so I can pray for them."

Emily: "Well, that's very nice, but the ambulances don't like people following them. They like to be alone."

Morgan: "Well, let's call them next time so I can see the people in the hospital and pray for their ouchies."

There was no use debating this with her. She was determined. I tried to keep my eyes from shedding the tears that were beginning to well up in them. "Jesus hears you when you pray, Morgan. I'm so glad you pray" was all I could manage to say.


Short Stop said...

I love her. And, you too.

Jenni S. said...

What a tender heart amidst all that spunk. :)