Saturday, September 8, 2007


In my heart of hearts I am a peacemaker. I do everything in my power to help people get along (for the most part) and struggle immensely with being a Pollyanna. It's an annoying habit I have.

In light of this, it has been difficult to remain neutral lately about the opening of a Planned Parenthood clinic down the street from my house. For one thing, I find that people have very definite opinions about its appearance.

So as to not fall within the right-wing-religious-no-critical-thinking camp, I visited the Planned Parenthood website. I wanted to hear their side of the story. I agree with their desire to help those less able to access affordable health care and to help young women. In fact, the overall health of women is extremely important to me.

I think that is the only sentiment I share with Planned Parenthood, however. From there our paths diverged mostly on their approach to helping. Much of the site is dedicated to family "unplanning" (a coin termed by my husband). I have to agree with his choice of words. The cavalier way they treat pregnancies is very upsetting to me.

In the past, I could hide a little more in the shadows on this issue of abortion. I thought it was sad and unfortunate and a little overwhelming of a subject to tackle. I kept quiet.

But for obvious reasons, I've changed. Forgive my bluntness, but why on God's green earth are there people who are terminating their pregnancies for convenience sake when others so deeply desire to nurture a little one?

For the sake of my unborn babies, I must take this stand: abortion is wrong. And those who solicit abortion to others are also in the wrong.


Short Stop said...

I couldn't agree more!

Janice said...

I don't want to debate abortion but I do need to comment. A woman withe 6 kids and no fertility problems can't possibly understand your pain. A woman who has no desire to have children can't understand a mother's love. And someone who has not been in the position of some of those women who walk into that clinic can not understand their situation. I have friends who fall in every one of these catagories and I try not to put my personal beliefs on any of them. It is not my place to judge. We can't, nor are we supposed to, understand the challenges we face, but rather just put it all in God's hands and have faith.

Emily Dykstra said...

Hi, Janice- Thanks for commenting.

The issue I have is with the definition of when life begins and the cavalier way people define "life". My experience has taught me that life must begin when an egg is fertilized.

My point is not to say that these women are not in difficult situations. Most likely they are and they need assistance.

My point is that they have the unfortunate task of acknowledging or denying the life inside them. I didn't say it was easy. But it is a life. Any manual discontinuance of that life is wrong.

Emily Dykstra said...

I should add that my comment about "Why on God's green earth are people terminating their pregnancies..." probably stirred your comment, Janice. I didn't mean to come across as not acknowledging their difficulty. I was just ranting. *sigh*