Thursday, September 6, 2007

And then, and then...

Holey motor-mouth, Batman.

Let me give you a run down of what Morgan said tonight. She spoke for 15 minutes straight. Try to read it in one breath:

"Hey, Dad, I hit Mommy's door with a stick and she put me in time out, but then I didn't have to be in time out and I said sorry. Hey Dad, I don't want to drink my prune juice and milk* because it makes my tummy ouchy. Hey Dad, did you know that apple juice makes you go pee pee and prune juice and milk makes you go poopie? I don't want to go poopie in the night, so I'm just going to drink apple juice. Did you know that poopies are brown? Do you know what brown is, Dad? Brown is brown...yadda yadda yadda"

Serenity now! I don't know if my eyes are more tired than my ears.

*Prune juice and milk is a little cocktail we've given Morgan since she was 8 weeks old to correct her constipation problem. I think her body has adjusted, though, and now she just likes the taste of it. Hey, don't slam it until you try it. :)


Sheryl said...

My ex's nephew used to tell very drawn out stories (and he was 8 at the time!) He would actually use the phrase and then...only it was "and THAAAAAAYYYAN" Yeah, funny...for 3 seconds :)

Short Stop said...

She is so funny! I love those marathon commentaries/questions. It's like their little minds are going a mile a minute and their mouths are trying to keep up! Hilarious! :)