Saturday, September 22, 2007


This week I was at some venue speaking to an older woman with short hair.

Morgan beckoned,"Mom! Mom!"

"Yes, Morgan?" I replied.

Her urgent question could have waited: "Is that a MAN or a WOMAN?"


Anonymous said...

i recall having similar such troubling questions as a doe-eyed youth.

ah, the confusion of innocence.

Janice said...

I can't tell you how many times I have had to explain to kids that I am a girl, just with short hair like a boy. The best was in an elavator with a family of about 6 kids. The youngest girl looked up at me and said "You have BOY hair!". Ah, to live in that world where things are so clearly defined.

Short Stop said...

Jason cracked up at this! Well, so did I!

When Jason was little, his family was at fast food restaurant and his 5 year old sister, Aimee turned around and said "Look at that big fat man!" His parents still talk about it!

Unknown said...

I would have gasped, grabbed her by the mini-lapels and screamed "Sweet moses it's neither... RUN!"