Thursday, September 6, 2007


Considering how Morgan can recite entire sketches of Spongebob verbatim, I figured it is high time that she memorized something more enduring. Scripture, of course.

I started out teaching her Genesis 1:1. We made up little hand motions and she is a pro at reciting the first verse in the Bible: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." She has inquired who Genesis is and it is a little tricky describing a book of the Bible, but she is doing great.

This week I taught her Phillippians 4:13 ("I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.") She's learning that one pretty well, but let me share a few outtakes with you.

In practicing this verse, she mixed up the lines and came up with the following renditions:

"I can do whatever I do and I give Him strength."

"I can do whatever I can do and I can do whatever I want and He can give me presents."

In telling her who "Him" is in the verse (God) she inquired, "Mom, what does God do?" In retrospect, I should have told her to ask her father, but I cobbled together some answer about creation and sustenance. I tried to give her a summarized creation/fall/redemption story, but her ferritt-like attention span didn't last long enough. And so: "God made us" was the sum of her lesson.

On a lighter note, Morgan is very much into "girl power". I taught her to flex her biceps and kiss her muscles (yes, like the muscle monkeys). She is very proud of her twiggy guns. Naturally, she loved the part in the verse where we say "strength" because she can flex her muscles and pretend to grit her teeth.


trevsmom said...

Emily, I love the memory work. We are starting with Trevor on the Lords prayer...I can't remember all the funnies but I will try to write them down. And kissing her muscles that is too funny!

Short Stop said...

LOL!! and LOL, again! :) "I can do whatever I can do and I can do whatever I want and He can give me presents" I think that's the way I feel a lot of the time! :)

Awesome, Em. I need to start teaching Jack. He knows many praise and worship songs that contain scripture, but I have never just taught them to him. You've inspired me...again! :)

Unknown said...

You're right - monkeys was the first thing that came to my mind when thinking about muscles, too!

Sittintall said...

That is too funny. What a great mom you are, teaching your child verses from the Bible. Sad, but that thought never dawned on me.

Kris said...

You are such a good mom! I love the muscles thing! I'll have to ask her to show Josh at church, he be blown away!