Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Preschool, Part II

6:30 pm, after first day of preschool

I'm pleased to announce that Morgan has finally eaten her lunch.

Thirty minutes before dinner.

She found her abandoned lunch and started noshing before I could realize that she'd ruin her dinner.

But this is motherhood. :)



Morgan excitedly showed Dan her drawings of the day when he got home. Among them were a seed growing into a plant and a rainbow.

She also described one scribble as this: "This is a picture of my Mommy hitting my head with the trunk."

Again: This is motherhood.


Short Stop said...

I'm telling you...Morgan and Jack are two peas in a pod. Their minds are just so similar!

YES, this is indeed motherhood. And you're incredible at it! :)

andrea said...

One day I'm sure she'll forget all about the trunk. That incident is where a temporary case of amnesia may have been useful.

Oh, and I'm the red dot at the top left hand of the US on your map. ;) Next month, my red dot will move over the area of Denver.

Emily Dykstra said...

Oy vey. We'll have to get these two together to fraternize.

Kris said...

I love that she is sharing her experiences with everyone! Oh dear! Oh well, motherhood is full of these interesting events!