Friday, September 5, 2008

25 Weeks

For the first months of pregnancy, the baby develops a little something each week: legs, arms, eyelids, fingernails. The website I go to recommends a diet of, say, broccoli to help with the growth of that particular organ or limb-of-the-week. And each week it's different.

But now, whenever I read online updates on the growth of our little-in-utero, the major growth is pretty much done. They might as well say the following:

This week your baby got fatter. 
That's all. 
So stop reading for updates. 
And eat whatever you want, Lardo.


Kris said...

What an amazing thing it is to see life grow. And I second Short Stop's look great, girl!

Jenni S. said...

Yay for 25 weeks! Ruthie was born at 24, so I can completely attest that when they are that size they have everything they need (even eyelashes and fingernails), it just needs time to get bigger. :)