Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Morgan Stories

Morgan: "Mom, sometimes moms like this drink: Soda and tea and milk mixed together."

Emily: "What moms like that?"

Morgan: "Old moms."

Emily: *gulp* "And who is an old mom?" (Please don't say me, please don't say me.)

Morgan: "Well, Poppi has an old mom. They serve her this drink. Old moms." 

(Morgan is referring to her great-grandmother. I will never tell my grandma this story. Ever.)


Morgan likes to tell long and somewhat verbose stories about princesses.

The other day, not even two sentences into the story, she paused to say "Stick with me, Mom" and continued. 

I tried not to laugh and listened to her wordy tale.

Then she ended the story: "They lived half-ily every after."

"Half-ily?" I asked, picturing dissected characters.

"Yes," she answered confidently, "Half-ily. Half-ily ever after."


While playing tag, Morgan stopped mid-game and made herself into a ball on the floor. I could have tripped over her, it was that sudden.

"Rock," she said, giggling.

"Rock? Rock? You can't be a rock. We were playing tag," I teased her.

"Rock," was all she could say, giggling again. 

I truly marvel at what this kid does for survival. 


andrea said...

Morgan has a great imagination. I'm glad you're writing down all these memories for her to see later in life. Sometimes I wonder what I said and did at her age!

Unknown said...

Yeah -- hardly surprising about the rock many times have you shouted out "base" when I'm about to tag you? Methinks Morgan learns from her mommy. ;)

Jenni S. said...

Stick with me... That's awesome.