Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Extinguisher Story

Whenever Dan and I see a fire extinguisher, you might see a smirk come over our faces. This story always gives us a laugh.

When Dan and I were first married, I was rushing to get a dinner together because friends were coming over. Somehow I started a grease fire on the stovetop and needed to extinguish the blaze. 

Hurriedly I got the extinguisher in position when Dan yelled, "Em! Stop!"

I remember being frustrated that he didn't see the magnitude of the situation. "What?" I snapped at him.

He ran over, quickly turned the head of the extinguisher 180 degrees... and then backed off. He was cool as a cucumber.

After suffocating the blaze, it took me a moment to realize that I had almost snowed my face. Wouldn't that be a sight for  our guests?

1 comment:

Jenni S. said...

LOL. I love it. So, may I ask, what made you think about blogging it now? Were you just getting the memory in writing, or did something happen to remind you of it?