Monday, September 22, 2008

Nursery Fabric

Ladies and Gentlemen, currently we have a room for the baby which we have been calling "The Hope Room". But recently it has come to our attention that this room needs to be transformed into... drum roll... "The Nursery". 

*sigh* Isn't it a celebration of fabrics? I'll show you what I do with them when I'm done...


andrea said...

It is very cheerful and you have exciting designs!

Short Stop said...

It is DEFINITELY a celebration of fabrics. I love every pattern.

I love it that you had a "Hope Room", and now it will be the snuggling with Momma, change poopies, reading, dreaming, playing room for your new little girl.

Sigh...her little life is a celebration. Just like her fabric.

Sittintall said...

L.O.V.E. those fabrics! She is going to have a stylin room.

Jenni S. said...

Love the fabric! Can't wait to see what you do with it!