Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I have recently realized that I have entered a new season of life. 

I can't quite name the season, except what it requires: downscaling

For starters, my husband and I are trying out a new budget to accommodate our new family member and also to be more vigilant about our spendings in this economy. It's been educational to see how we spend and how we save.

There is a downscaling of projects as well. Though I desperately want to be in full control of laundry, grocery shopping and schooling of Morgan, I must obey my body's changing form and hormonal levels. This means resting and learning to live with less. It also means occasionally asking the hubs to almost literally bring home the bacon because I couldn't make it to the grocery store.

In short, there is a lot of simplifying

This weekend my family met our friends Sarah, Jason and their 3 boys in St. Joseph, Michigan. The plan was to spend many hours on the beach with our active young ones, but the weather was not only rainy, it was downright prohibitive as far as going outside. It flooded.

In my younger days I probably would have balked at the weather. And while I didn't particularly enjoy the precipitation, we had a great time being cooped up with some great friends, good food and really enjoyable conversation. We kept it simple. With the help of Dan's stock of beer and some snacks and cards, we had some great bonding.

Sarah doesn't know this, but the most meaningful thing she "said" to me this weekend was when she took a long Saturday afternoon nap. It's a lot of work raising young children and I often feel intimidated by the energy of women with more than one. It was good to see that naps are part of her regimen. She also shared with me how she spends her days with the boys. I realized that I wasn't the only one who had to simplify life to raise children or be pregnant. She mentioned many times that she's not organized, but from my vantage point, her boys were well loved and fed (oh those cheeks, Max!) And at that age, what more do they need?

I spent the day after our weekend feeling considerably ill. I balked at how weak this pregnancy makes me and reluctantly napped all morning. But then I realized that it takes a lot of effort to grow a human. I smiled at my very actively beating belly, learned to accept the gift of Morgan playing quietly by herself, and rested. 

And now, dear friends, I hope this post finds you rested and accepting of the energy and resources you have been given during this season of your life. It can be a gift.


Jenni S. said...

So glad you enjoyed your weekend with S & J and the boys - I was thinking about you all hoping you were able to enjoy the time despite the rain. Sarah said it was an amazing weekend!

Short Stop said...

OH, Emmers.

We had the best time. Truly. We had planned on a long sleeve and capris time on the beach, but what we got instead was time to just sit and talk and laugh and be. I loved every minute.

I hope you find that simplifying brings you rest and peace this fall.