Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Very Special Arrivals

Today, I heard from a dear friend in Texas who is due with her first (a girl!) and is schedule to be induced next week. She's been on quite the fertility journey, which makes this arrival very special.

My sister is schedule to have a caesarean with her twins in about a week after a very dramatic and scary pregnancy. We're so thankful she's making it to week 36.

And then, I found out this morning that a friend from Maryland is in the process of adopting TWO children from Ethiopia. 

"Weeping may remain for a night, but joy comes in the morning." Psalm 30:5, The Bible

1 comment:

Jenni S. said...

Yay for babies! I'm so thankful for all of these, but as I have been specifically praying for your sister, I'm relieved to hear that she'll make it to 36. What an answer to prayer!