Friday, September 19, 2008

Ten Thoughts on Hair

1. I like to hang out with people who have thick hair. I hope their hair thickness will speak to my follicles.

2. When I was about 10, I used so much conditioner in my hair that I had, well, greasy and stringy looking hair. Some nice person told me to not use so much and TO THIS DAY I haven't used conditioner at all. Out of fear. I'm thinking about starting again.

3. Dan and I were both blonds as children and still feel shocked when people think we have dark hair. Which, in fact, we do. Note to Dan and Emily: You're brunettes. Accept it.

4. I have yo-yo feelings about my hair. When it's short, I want it long. And when it's long, I want it short. Yo-yo.

5. A week before I found out I was pregnant with Morgan, I went to get my long hair cut. It felt gross and dirty being long. The stylist asked me if I was pregnant. I emphatically told her "no". I think I cried the next week, wanting my long hair back.

6. I think it's funny how guy friends like to be honest about hair. 

7. Generally speaking, my girlfriends like my hair short and my guy friends like my hair long.

8. The first time I ever got my hair highlighted was when a total stranger--a vending machine guy, actually-- told me that I needed some color in my hair to make me look more healthy. Apparently he used to do hair. I was glad he told me. I did it. I liked it.

9. When I got my hair highlighted and the aforementioned vending machine guy saw it, then he said that I needed bangs because my forehead was too big. I stopped listening to him then.

10. Dan is starting to pepper on the sides of his gorgeous head of hair. He groans about it. I think it's se*xy. Why do men look better with pepper than women?


Janice said...

As a fellow yo-yoer I understand. I just cut mine short after over a year of growing it out. And all my girl friends wow-ed about how great it looks. And a guy friend told me I looked like a 5 year old boy. Sigh.

Short Stop said...

I yo-yo, too. But, I always know when I'm ready to cut it - I can't get the thought out of my mind.

Jason's peppering. I agree. HOT, HOT, HOT.

Your hair looks fabulous right now. Pregnancy agrees with you!!!

Sheryl said...

I, too, yo yo. I always think my curls look best short, but then I look back on pictures and say, well they looked great long too! D'oh!
And I feel that if you took a poll, 9 out of 10 men will say they like women with long hair. I hear it all. the. time.
And I used to wash and condition my hair every day cuz I use a good amount of product in my hair each day...then one day my stylist told me to only wash it 1 - 2 times a get better curl. She knew what she was talking about! :)

carey said...

Great agreement on the "Peppering." And you have hit a huge truth about guys v. girls on the long/short debate!

Beth said...

I too am a yo-yo-er. I take forever to grow it out and then chop it off. Ultimately I am happy, as I am one of your thick-haired friends, and I will tell you that it takes forever to dry and style. I have an appointment in a week and a half to cut this mop off!