Sunday, September 7, 2008

Our Weekend

There was mulch involved. Three yards.

And a breakfast on our front "porch". A "breakfast date" we three called it.

There was a "Mama Mia" matinee with two cool friends, Sara and Cathi.

There was the annual Church Picnic. A favorite of mine.

There was exorbitant kicking on the part of Petri Dish Love Child. 

There was a new Sunday School class for Morgan. And her telling us in a loud whisper "I want to be out of this room" during the evening service. 

There was a craigslist buy. A dresser for the wee one. 

And running after bubbles with our neighbors.

There was Beth's talk at church about China. Very cool.

And McDonald's dinner with a few good men. All preschool. 

And now there is a bed waiting where I will wish that I had another weekend with Dan to recover from this wonderfully busy one.


Beth said...

Why is it that I too often feel I need a weekend from my weekend. We had a wonderful time with you last night.

Jenni S. said...

That is a lot for one weekend. I hope you are feeling well!