Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Morning Musings

Today wasn't Morgan's first day of preschool, but it was the first day in which I have a smidgen of free time during her time away. I spent the majority of the time grocery shopping and running errands. But now I have an hour--only an hour-- but still... one glorious, sacred hour in a quiet house.

I'm absolutely paralyzed by the freedom. 

I ate a lunch. A real lunch. Not bits-of-food-off-my-daughter's-rejected-sandwich-kind-of-lunch. I had a salad... you know... those things most women won't take the time to make but will order if they go to Panera. A salad.

And then I decided to blog, so here I am. 

The morning was incredibly stressful as far as getting Morgan out the door. She had plenty of time to change to jeans and do her hair (read: brush hair with part and spray with hair spray). But we butt heads because Little Miss Independence wanted to choose OTHER jeans and wanted no hair intervention. I waited in the car for my sassy preschooler. She was dressed okay, but in a show of defiance? amnesia? she decided to part her hair against her cowlick.  This resulted in a happy little girl who kept wiping her forehead of intruding bangs. 

When she had cooled off at school, I asked her if she wanted me to help her get her hair out of her eyes. She did. I used my super-momma-comb-fingers to try to convince the hairspray to release its hold so I could put the part where it belonged. It relented. She could see again.

We held hands to cross the street and we were back on track... Morgan giggling as she tried to stay in my shadow as I walked in front of her. The baby-in-utero kicked me fervently as if she wanted to be part of the action. 

Soon enough, little one. Soon enough.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Looking forward to my first "free" time as well. It won't be for long though!
Glad you had a chance to eat and just breathe!