Thursday, September 11, 2008

3am Thoughts

It's nearly 3am and I am wide awake. 

The madness of the day wants to rush in and take over. But I don't want it. 

And so, in this early hour of the day, I'm letting the Bible be my guide. I'm reading Matthew 6 which has recently been a new source of comfort to me. I love these verses because these are essentially Jesus' first teachings to his motley group of followers. These are the first things he wants them to know. Which means that these are the first things he wants me to know, too.

I'm delving into this chapter to re-align my thoughts with his this morning. I am way off base lately.

I must remember that when I absolutely must nap once, even twice a day for the sake of this pregnancy, that I do so in His grace, with His loving approval. Because He doesn't like worry. (verses 25-27)

And that when ballet class cancels and I have an active, leotard-clad daughter hopping aimlessly around the community center because of a miscommunication, I can stop, breathe and ask God to help me love despite my frustration. For He knows my needs. (verse 32)

When I'm not so much tired as stingy with my heart and time, He challenges me to seek Him first and the things He cares about. (verse 33)

And when I start to see money not as a tool for providing food and clothing to my family but as a security blanket for now and the future, He tells me to put my treasure in things that can't be stolen or destroyed. (verses 19-21)

Now it's 3:20 in the morning. I'm still not tired, but my mind is quiet. I'm in great care.


Sheryl said...

Thanks for this post, Emily! It brought comfort to me as I continue in my struggles!!

Short Stop said...

Oh, you are in perfect Hands.

I remember being pregnant with Lincoln and having middle of the night, wide awake, anxiety attacks. And, somehow, God would always show up to comfort me. Me thinks He loves the ones carrying His little ones.

Jenni S. said...

I love how you wrote this - thank you for these very necessary reminders.