Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Shoe Shopping

I did something stupid today: I took my daughter shoe shopping. 

In and of itself shoe shopping is not a stupid thing to do. But doing it after a long morning of preschool proved to be the straw the broke the camel's back.

I took her to Tar.get after school, pumping her up with promises of looking for "new brown shoes to wear with your new brown dress". She couldn't resist.

Problem Number 1: Morgan wears size 13 now, but due to her tired state, she refused to try on size 13 shoes, claiming that "12 was her favorite number". Thanks, Sesame Street, for the number of the day. I managed to trick her into trying on size 12.5 and they fit okay. They just weren't the right style. Grrrr to Sesame Street.

Problem Number 2: The brown shoes that DID manage to fit her nicely had a heel on them. And not just a 1/2" girlie heel; I'm talking a WEDGE heel. She loved them. I regretted ever letting her try them on. They were so pretty if it weren't for that amazingly ridiculous heel on them. I pictured sprained ankles. And this is for GIRLS folks. Little girls. Plus my daughter can pass for a first grader... she doesn't need height. Grrrr to Tar.get for offering them.

Problem Number 3: This momma forgot that though Morgan is technically in the bigger girl section of shoes, she's still prone to tiredness and grumpies. Taking her shoe shopping after a big morning like that was too much. I said goodbye to efficiency and left the store sans shoes. Upon arriving home, I found Morgan sleeping in her booster seat. Tiredness confirmed. Grrrr to me for not listening to the little voice in my head that told me not to go in the first place.

Just another day in the life of a momma. :)


Beth said...

Tiredness still rules in our house too. We do nothing after lunch, just rest and try to have fun--no necessary errands. Those get run in the morning or they wait until Daddy is home or the next day. So many fun things to look forward to in the life of a girl!

Janice said...

As I have 75 pairs of shoes and constantly dream of more #2 is why I can not ever have a girl... she would have her own collection of wedge shoes to match mommy and all the other mommies would frown at me.

Jenni S. said...

LOL. I can't believe some of the stuff they are designing for little girls these days. I just wanna say - let them be little even if for a few years. Of course, I'm a t-shirt and jeans mommy, so that's pretty much what they don right now. But I have a feeling wedges or something like them are just around the corner (R is beginning to exert more fashion authority lately).