Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I started blogging before Christmas, but I REALLY got into it after I read a book by Sheri Lynch called "Be Happy or I'll Scream". It's a hilarious fictitious novel about motherhood but I think it's more non-fiction than she'll admit. In any case, it was my inspiration for writing whenever the spirit of motherhood moved me.

Why I am bringing this up? Because it dawned on me today that I LOVE reading my girlfriends' blogs every day possible. I love reading about their triumphs and disasters because, I'll be honest, motherhood can be somewhat lonely at times. There may be lots of warm bodies around the homefront (the three year old variety) but still... loneliness.

I'm sticking my neck out here a bit, but I'm posting my top reasons for blogging. I'd be obliged if you'd do the same. Let's compare.

1. Blogging dusts the cobwebs off my vocabulary and reminds me that adult speak is still used.

2. It helps me when I want to vent about life as a woman and mother. Good or bad.

3. The comments readers post remind me that I'm not alone for the ride of life.

4. It's a creative outlet for me that is kid-approved: Done in 10 minutes or less.

5. It lets friends who want to know about my family's life get up to date without a phone call. Not that phone calls are bad, but daily phone calls are a bit difficult.

6. Not everyone can get together for Bongo.

I got this survey idea from my friend Sarah Short, who posted a survey yesterday, albeit a much more FUN survey, which I am still filling out. I hope to have it done by 2008.


Short Stop said...

I haven't given this much thought...maybe you've insired me to! Anyway, here are some of my top reasons for blogging:

1. I hate scrapbooking. I'm terrible at it. A 3rd grader could do better. So, this is my virtual scrapbook of my boys' lives!

2. Fame. Doesn't everyone secretly hope for a little bit of it. (not the Britney Spears, Paris Hilton kind...just the "hey, I'm out there for all to see" kind.)

3. I've had to send and resend recipes. Now I can say "go visit my blog".

4. Emily. You inspired me to finally start! And, you read what I write. Thank you!

5. The Fam. They miss us terribly (well, really, they miss their grandchildren/nephews), and they want to know what we're up to.

6. Jason says my blog is "hot". Sweet...anything to get that kind of compliment!

There you go!!

Kris said...

Ok, Ladies, You beat me to all the reasons I do this, too! Here are my big ones:
1. Recording the daily fun of our family, without having to keep a scrapbook.
2. Using adult language and getting to throw out a few laughs.
3. A chance to vent and/or share troubles with or without a sense of humor.
4. Keeping family connected!

Emily Dykstra said...

Thanks, girlfriends. Great reasons and, I should add, they had me laughing. The scrapbooking parts were hilarious.

BTW- I do scrapbook, but not the way they want me to. I buy an acid free album, apply photos with GOOD compositions to them and write a small blurb. No stickers for me. But then, I care about good photography. For the most part.