Sunday, June 10, 2007

Choosing to Celebrate

Can I just share? Forgive my French, but this week was crappy. You ever have such a bad week that you don't even want to talk about it? It was that kind of a week. It's too difficult and draining to think of it. Plus, whenever I talk specifically about this week, I relive it.

So I'll summarize: crap, crap, crap. Terrible.

Then, after a challenging week, we went to Michigan to see some old college roommates. We had a good time, but I think all the parents there were tired. When we arrived home, we enjoyed a grand mal tantrum from my belligerent daughter. So we prayed. We prayed that God would redeem the awful things that happened this week which are clouding our joys. We prayed for Dan's job, for strength in raising a daughter while we're getting used to new surroundings. We prayed for joy and patience and wisdom. We prayed that God would take the crappeth out of our lifeth.

There really are a lot of celebrations in our life.


Kris said...

We can pray for crappeth outeth, too. I think I'll miss that part of our Bible study over the summer.

Emily Dykstra said...

Thanks, sister.

Short Stop said...

I'm praying, friend--that this week will be full of joyful surprises for you!

Emily Dykstra said...

Thanks, Sarah- I appreciat that.